Monday 11 May 2015

The Badger Cull

It didn't work in the trials. It costs £3,350 - £5200 per badger to be culled for the tax payer. So why are the tories making £12 Billion in cuts?! For a badger to be vaccinated however it only costs £662. If a human contacted Tb we wouldn't be sat her debating whether to shoot them or vaccine them. So why are the Conservatives already starting to get ready for more badger slaughter?? 

Today, Liz Truss was reappointed as the environmental secretary. Previous to the election last Thursday she said that she was going to do "whatever it takes" to get the badger cull re-started, to prevent TB among cattle. Now that the Tories are back in power our nation of animal lovers (who Liz later called "animal welfare protesters", almost as if the thought of animals having welfare was ridiculous) are gearing up for a tough 5 years ahead. I'm not going to reel of facts and stats about the failures of the trials as it would frankly be embarrassing for our country.

Whilst reading an article by the Telegraph I spotted this: "Protest groups, who argue that culling badgers is inhumane and an attack on wildlife, criticised the announcement by Mrs Truss." If it's not inhumane, what is it?! Kindness?! Should the badgers be thankful? When done properly a clean and quick shot to the head should't cause too much pain, but that's not the point. It shows that humans think that they can murder an innocent animal just because it's that easiest way to solve a problem. If we lived in a society ran by these morals then our NHS wouldn't exist and our graveyards would be simply overflowing. I'm not saying that something shouldn't be done to solve this problem, as equally innocent cows are dieting, and farmers are losing their livelihoods; What I am saying is that our wildlife shouldn't be at an expense.

Vaccination is the way forward. Our "successive governments have invested more than £43 million on vaccine research and development since 1994," so why aren't we making that money worthwhile. Organisations such as the The Badger Trust, The National Trust and The RSPB have already vaccinated hundreds of badgers, with the help of volunteers. The government needs to help fund this, hopefully providing an oral vaccine in the future for an easier and quicker vaccination process. The badger culling trials have been going on over the last few years. As I wasn't near a culling zone it was hard for me to get actively involved. However I provided information to the people in my local area, urging them to join the online campaigns. I ordered leaflets to post round my village. I signed all the online petitions and I emailed and emailed and emailed everyone I could possibly think of. 

I also made posters to display round my village and the surrounding areas. Unfortunately I think they were soon taken down but at least some people may have read them! 

As the badger cull now seems to be picking up again, possibly being extended around the country, I (along with lots of other people) are going to be going everything we can to be protecting these animals. There is no point of the Protection of Badgers Act 1992 is we are just going to break it! Same with green belt land.

We will not give up.
Stay active for wildlife over the next 5 years!

What can you do?
  • Sign the online petitions against the badger cull.
  • Educate your friends and families about the pros of vaccination.
  • Email your local MP's and express your opinions.
  • Make posters to put up around your local areas informing people about the unnecessary badger slaughter.
  • Go on campaign marches!
  • Get out in the field and join a patrol walk.
There is plenty to get involved in.

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