Below is an article I have written to be published in two of my local daily papers…please let me know what you think!
Back to your Roots
For all my life I have been fascinated by nature, and
inevitably the more you love something the harder it is to see it get hurt.
Hedgehog. Turtle dove. Water vole. Stag beetle. European wildcat. Otter.
Dormouse. Bumblebee. Tortoise-shell butterfly. All of these British wildlife
species are in trouble. They’re in trouble because of our attitudes toward
nature. To most people nature is now seen as little more than unnecessary
pretty things, but we need to change this attitude by reminding people about the
exciting, magical and often breath-taking side of nature. I use the word
‘remind’ instead of teach as I believe that everyone begins life loving nature.
The endless hours of jumping in puddles and jam-jarring frogspawn would have
been an ordinary pass time for many…but now-a-days times have changed.
Videogames have replaced countryside walks and outdoor learning has been
substituted by computers. Appreciation of our natural world has been lost, and
my generation is now labelled as the ones who lack connection with nature. In
many respects this is true, but there are exceptions to this rule…those who
have fought against the crowd and dodged the computer games, as well as those
who have actually successfully worked with technology to get closer to nature.
No one can say that technology is bad for us; after all if it weren’t for
technology I wouldn’t be speaking to you now. But like lots of good things…too
much of it and it’s bad for you. This is definitely the case with technology.
We need to change this.
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There is one thing that confuses me however. The older
generations are the ones always telling their childhood stories of climbing
trees and building dens in local woods. They, from what we’re told, were the
generation immersed in nature…no technology to be seen. If so, then why has
this said generation seen a 58% decline of UK wildlife in their lifetimes? My
guess is this… Up until relatively recently nature has been completely
idealised, shown to have a dome of peace and prosperity protecting it from our intrusion.
Wildlife documentaries are wonderful, but the majority fail to mention the
serious issues. Tilt the camera just a few degrees to the right and the viewers
will realise that these “wild places” are in fact just small pockets of
vulnerability. This idealisation of nature has actually led to an attitude that
nature is expendable. Apart from a one-off Geography lesson on Amazon
deforestation our natural world has been portrayed as an idyll, which is
seemingly resistant to the interference of humans. We need to change this by
revealing both the joys of nature but also the harsh realities of its current
fragile state. Not only do we need to teach the old dog new tricks but we also
need to work with the education sector focusing on bringing up children with a
balanced opinion of nature, illustrating both the glories and the problems.
My idea is this…
A new topic within the Biology syllabus should be created
for both primary and secondary schools…Natural history and conservation. This balanced equation would be echoed in the
subject’s textbook, which would be built around an alternate page structure,
with the left hand page educating the reader about a particular species: it’s
behavior, their most remarkable adaptations, their communication abilities and
so forth. This would educate the reader about the magical world of flora and
fauna, hopefully bring to the fore their innate connection with our natural
world. On the right hand page, the reader would be informed of the future
of this species, whether good or bad. It would also suggest ways of how to help
the species in a clear way therefore not making the information too
over-whelming! Balanced education is key to developing a positive attitude
towards wildlife, ensuring that the protection of our planet doesn’t seem like
a burden, but more of an enjoyable responsibility. After all…nature is truly
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