My wildlife garden which began construction at the beginning of 2013, after coming up with the idea over the Christmas holiday, has flourished from a rather bland, unattractive space to a vibrant, natural habitat for many species of flora and fauna!
In the picture below it doesn't seem to be much of a wildlife garden does it, and the funny think is the more I tried to make it look natural the worse it seemed to look. After a while, I gave up a little. But who would have known that this lack of care and perfection actually helped my garden to develop! Here is the journey of my amazing wildlife garden to date:
I started by digging out the pond, lining it and securing it with wooden planks. I then used the same concept to create my path, which I then filled with cotswolds gravel.
I made a wigwam out of bamboo canes and began to weave willow around it too allow me to grow sweat peas up it.
I hung my homemade bird box on a 'goalpost' like bar.
The addition of plants started to develop my garden enormastly, and even pippin loved to relax there!
I got some pond plants from a gardener in the village...
and started to grow sweet peas up the wigwam.
Heather was planted...
and more plants were bought to decorate the path.
I even put up bird boxes...
frog homes...
and made a hedgehog house.
As you can see after a while, my wildlife garden started to take shape!
And all my hard work was rewarded with an unusual visitor, a grey heron!
Here are some photos which show the biodiversity of my wildlife garden. I think I like its that something that may look like a weed may turn into a vivid, colourful foxglove. The absence of colour really changed the perception of a natural habitat.

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